from re import U
import cv2
import math
from pylab import mean
from skimage import color
import mediapipe as mp
import imutils
from typing import List, Tuple, Union
from skimage.draw import line, polygon, polygon_perimeter
import numpy as np
from numpy import c_
mp_drawing =
mp_face_mesh =
def _normalized_to_pixel_coordinates(
normalized_x: float, normalized_y: float, image_width: int,
image_height: int) -> Union[None, Tuple[int, int]]:
"""Converts normalized value pair to pixel coordinates."""
# Checks if the float value is between 0 and 1.
def is_valid_normalized_value(value: float) -> bool:
return (value > 0 or math.isclose(0, value)) and (value < 1 or
math.isclose(1, value))
if not (is_valid_normalized_value(normalized_x) and
# TODO: Draw coordinates even if it's outside of the image bounds.
return None
x_px = min(math.floor(normalized_x * image_width), image_width - 1)
y_px = min(math.floor(normalized_y * image_height), image_height - 1)
return x_px, y_px
[docs]def apply_color(image, x, y, r, g, b, intensity):
applies color to desired region
arg1 (image) : input image
arg2 (int array) : X cordinates of the desired region that is going be colored
arg3 (int array) : Y cordinates of the desired region that is going be colored
arg4 (int) : red value of rgb color
arg5 (int) : green value of rgb color
arg6 (int) : blue value of rgb color
arg7 (float) : intensity of the applied color
the image with the applied color on the desire area
im_copy = image.copy()
height, width = image.shape[:2]
# converting desired parts of the original image to LAB color space
lip_LAB = color.rgb2lab((im_copy[x, y] / 255.).reshape(len(x), 1, 3)).reshape(len(x), 3)
# calculating mean of each channel
L, A, B = mean(lip_LAB[:, 0]), mean(lip_LAB[:, 1]), mean(lip_LAB[:, 2])
# converting the color of the makeup to LAB
L1, A1, B1 = color.rgb2lab(np.array((r / 255., g / 255., b / 255.)).reshape(1, 1, 3)).reshape(
3, )
# applying the makeup color on image
# L1, A1, B1 = color.rgb2lab(np.array((self.r / 255., self.g / 255., self.b / 255.)).reshape(1, 1, 3)).reshape(3, )
G = L1 / L
lip_LAB = lip_LAB.reshape(len(x), 1, 3)
lip_LAB[:, :, 1:3] = intensity * np.array([A1, B1]) + (1 - intensity) * lip_LAB[:, :, 1:3]
lip_LAB[:, :, 0] = lip_LAB[:, :, 0] * (1 + intensity * (G - 1))
# converting back toRGB
im_copy[x, y] = color.lab2rgb(lip_LAB).reshape(len(x), 3) * 255
return im_copy
def moist(image, x,y, white):
""" finds all the points fillig the lips
param1 : if motion is detected this parameter is the X cordinate of the lower lip otherwise the X cordinates of the previous frame gloss parts must be passed
param2 : if motion is detected this parameter is the Y cordinate of the lower lip otherwise the Y cordinates of the previous frame gloss parts must be passed
param3 : whether motion is detected
param4 : red
param5 : green
param6 : blue
42-element tuple containing
- (*array*): X cordinates of the pixels of the lips which must be glossy
- (*array*): Y cordinates of the pixels of the lips which must be glossy
* needs major cleanup
intensitymoist =0.5
val = color.rgb2lab((image[x, y] / 255.).reshape(len(x), 1, 3)).reshape(len(x), 3)
L= mean(val[:, 0])
L1, A1, B1 = color.rgb2lab(np.array((white / 255., white / 255., white / 255.)).reshape(1, 1, 3)).reshape(3, )
ll = L1 - L
length = int(len(x)/4)
Li = val[:, 0]
light_points = sorted(Li)[-length:]
# light_points = sorted(Li)[:length]
min_val = min(light_points)
max_val = max(light_points)
[docs]def apply_blur(image, image2, x, y, gussiankernel, erosionkernel):
applies blur on the desired region
arg1 (image) : input image
arg2 (image) : input image with applied color on the desired region
arg3 (int array) : X cordinates of the desired region
arg4 (int array) : Y cordinates of the desired region
arg5 (int) : Gussian blur kernel
arg6 (int) : erosion kernel
arg7 (float) : intensity of the applied color
the image with the applied blur on the desired region
height, width = image.shape[:2]
filter = np.zeros((height, width))
filter[x,y] = 1
# Erosion to reduce blur size
filter = cv2.GaussianBlur(filter, (gussiankernel, gussiankernel), 0)
kernel = np.ones((erosionkernel, erosionkernel), np.uint8)
filter = cv2.erode(filter, kernel, iterations=1)
alpha = np.zeros([height, width, 3], dtype='float64')
alpha[:, :, 0] = filter
alpha[:, :, 1] = filter
alpha[:, :, 2] = filter
im_copy = (alpha * image2 + (1 - alpha) *image).astype('uint8')
return im_copy
[docs]def apply_blur_color(image, x, y, r, g, b, intensity, gussiankernel=51, erosionkernel=15):
applies blur and color on the desired region
arg1 (image) : input image
arg2 (int array) : X cordinates of the desired region
arg3 (int array) : Y cordinates of the desired region
arg4 : red value of rgb color
arg5 : green value of rgb color
arg6 : blue value of rgb color
the image with the applied clor and blur on the desired region
this function is used when we need the color to be more faded on the edges of the region, this will give us a more natural look which is used on blush, concelaer and foundation.
# intensity = 0.8
# r = 51
# g = 36
# b = 87
# Create blush shape
height, width = image.shape[:2]
mask = np.zeros((height, width))
mask[x,y] = 1
mask = cv2.GaussianBlur(mask, (gussiankernel, gussiankernel), 0) * intensity
kernel = np.ones((erosionkernel, erosionkernel), np.uint8)
mask = cv2.erode(mask, kernel, iterations=1)
# print(np.array(c_[x_right, y_right])[:, 0])
val = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_RGB2LAB).astype(float)
val[:, :, 0] = val[:, :, 0] / 255. * 100.
val[:, :, 1] = val[:, :, 1] - 128.
val[:, :, 2] = val[:, :, 2] - 128.
LAB = color.rgb2lab(np.array((float(r) / 255., float(g) / 255., float(b) / 255.)).reshape(1, 1, 3)).reshape(3, )
mean_val = np.mean(np.mean(val, axis=0), axis=0)
mask = np.array([mask, mask, mask])
mask = np.transpose(mask, (1, 2, 0))
lab = np.multiply((LAB - mean_val), mask)
val[:, :, 0] = np.clip(val[:, :, 0] + lab[:, :, 0], 0, 100)
val[:, :, 1] = np.clip(val[:, :, 1] + lab[:, :, 1], -127, 128)
val[:, :, 2] = np.clip(val[:, :, 2] + lab[:, :, 2], -127, 128)
image = (color.lab2rgb(val) * 255).astype(np.uint8)
return image
[docs]def moist(image, x,y, white):
applies gloss texture on the lips
arg1 (image) : input image
arg2 (int array) : X cordinates of the lips
arg3 (int array) : Y cordinates of the lips
arg4 : a value betwwen 0 to 255 (the higher this value th more white glossy texture will be )
the image with the applied gloss on the lips
intensitymoist =0.2
val = color.rgb2lab((image[x, y] / 255.).reshape(len(x), 1, 3)).reshape(len(x), 3)
L= mean(val[:, 0])
L1, A1, B1 = color.rgb2lab(np.array((white / 255., white / 255., white / 255.)).reshape(1, 1, 3)).reshape(3, )
ll = L1 - L
length = int(len(x)/4)
Li = val[:, 0]
light_points = sorted(Li)[-length:]
# light_points = sorted(Li)[:length]
min_val = min(light_points)
max_val = max(light_points)
for i in range(len(val[:, 0])):
if (val[i, 0] <= max_val and val[i, 0] >=min_val):
val[i, 0]+= ll*intensitymoist
image2 = image.copy()
image2[x, y] = color.lab2rgb(val).reshape(len(x), 3) * 255
height, width = image.shape[:2]
filter = np.zeros((height, width))
filter[x,y] = 1
kernel = np.ones((12, 12), np.uint8)
filter = cv2.erode(filter, kernel, iterations=1)
alpha = np.zeros([height, width, 3], dtype='float64')
alpha[:, :, 0] = filter
alpha[:, :, 1] = filter
alpha[:, :, 2] = filter
im_copy = (alpha * image2 + (1 - alpha) *image).astype('uint8')
return im_copy